Safety is
an attitude, commitment and responsibility.
LCI is committed to the health and safety of our workers, the environment and the communities in which we operate.
The key to a successful, safe and healthy working environment is the willingness of every individual to recognize their responsibility and actively support incident and injury prevention, including visitors, subcontractors and their workers.
Through our continued teamwork, support and cooperation from all levels of workers to promote and improve safety, everyone who works for LCI shares the benefits of a health and safe work environment.
What we leave behind is important to us. At LCI, we adhere to environmental regulations, and see to that our projects do more good than harm for the natural environment. As a team, we are able to preserve and protect wildlife in the communities we serve.
Through our initiatives to transport trees from their previous homes to new homes where they can thrive, be enjoyed and contribute to a cleaner atmosphere, we have saved hundreds of trees from being uprooted and destroyed.
We are the leading supplier of quality hand tools, hardware, safety products, industrial supplies, fasteners, hydraulic hose fittings, cam locks, oil and air filters, plus so much more.
We supply the construction industry, oil and gas, farming and ranching, refineries, state and local governments, manufacturers that wants quality products at a reasonable price.